DaVinci Blog

How to Combat Period Fatigue With Inositol + Vitex Plus*

Written by DaVinci Healthcare Expert | Sep 28, 2023 3:00:00 PM

Tired during your period? You’re not alone! One in five menstruating women report life-disrupting fatigue among their most frustrating monthly experiences.[1]

If you have to change your schedule to adapt to the low energy of that time of the month, it might be time to update your supplement routine and make some supportive lifestyle changes.*

Why Am I So Tired During My Period?

Whether you experience fatigue before, during, or after your period, you have options to feel better. A normal menstrual cycle includes impressive shifts in hormones, including estrogen and progesterone, as the ovaries and uterine lining prepare for possible pregnancy each month.

While these hormone changes are natural and normal, they can be disruptive for many women during certain weeks of the month.

Once ovulation occurs around day 14 of the monthly cycle, estrogen levels dip dramatically, while progesterone levels rise. This shift accounts for a drop in energy for many women, as progesterone acts to relax the body.

This luteal phase takes place during the two weeks leading up to the period, and many women start to report feelings of fatigue and other signs that menstruation is approaching, including breast tenderness or heaviness, mood changes, and shifts in appetite and bowel function.[2]

While mild discomforts are a normal result of these monthly hormonal shifts, increased fatigue or lethargy can indicate nutritional imbalances or poor gut health. In some women, moderate to severe monthly disruptions to daily life can be the result of other hormone or neurotransmitter imbalances, such as low serotonin.

Vitamin D supports normal reproductive hormone production, mood-stabilizing neurotransmitters, and can boost energy levels during menstruation. In one study, a vitamin D supplement helped reduce the prevalence and severity of monthly discomforts in two-thirds of women.*[3]

Recent research indicates women with moderate to severe discomforts during menstruation have a different makeup of gut bacteria compared to women who suffer mild to no discomfort—specifically, they have higher prevalence of a healthy gut bacterium called Collinsella.*[4]

More studies need to be done to test the effectiveness of supplementing with Collinsella to support mood and energy levels and other concerns associated with menstruation. There are existing nutritional guidelines to support a happy, healthy menstrual cycle.*

How to Improve Period Fatigue with Diet and Lifestyle*

There are several different strategies to support a normal menstrual cycle and promote healthy energy levels. Here are our top 5 recommendations:

  1. Food changes. A diet rich in fresh, whole foods can support a productive and carefree menstrual cycle, while smoking, consuming excessive caffeine or alcohol,[5] and eating mostly processed convenience foods can lead to lower energy and other discomforts.* Traditional Chinese Medicine recommends eating more cooked foods to support an easy menstrual cycle.*

  2. Vitamins & minerals. Lab testing can be helpful in identifying specific micronutrient concerns. Talk with your functional doctor about whether supplementing with calcium, magnesium, or vitamin B6 is appropriate for you.*

  3. Movement. Moderate exercise throughout the month, such as yoga or an aerobics class, can support normal hormone production and help reduce bothersome premenstrual symptoms like fatigue and anxious feelings.

  4. Acupuncture. One review found acupuncture improves up to 50% of premenstrual discomfort across 18 studies.[6] As acupuncture has a cumulative effect in supporting normal hormone production and fluctuation throughout the month, it is recommended to have weekly acupuncture sessions to achieve the best and longest-lasting outcomes.

  5. Herbal supplements. Historically, certain plant materials have been used to effectively support the menstrual cycle and reproductive health.* Herbs including gingko, saffron, and chasteberry show particularly promising results in some modern clinical studies.*[7]

How to Improve Period Fatigue with Inositol + Vitex Plus*

Vitex agnus castus, aka “chasteberry” or simply “vitex,” is a relatively well-studied herbal supplement known for its positive associations that can improve premenstrual concerns.*

When paired with other well-researched ingredients to promote ovarian health and mitochondrial cell energy, vitex is an even stronger way to support normal hormone levels and regular menstrual cycles.*

Inositol + Vitex Plus combines inositol, vitex, chromium, alpha lipoic acid and CoQ10 to help balance hormones and support reproductive organ health and function.* This supplement helps to promote normal levels of hormones such as testosterone, progesterone, prolactin, and estrogen.*



A normal menstrual cycle includes some noticeable shifts in hormone levels from the start of the month through the end. While some physical discomforts are expected from time to time,  you can adopt certain strategies to support energy levels and other concerns. 

Start with a diet rich in fresh, whole foods high in calcium, magnesium, and B vitamins, such as dark green leafy vegetables. Reduce the consumption of caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods, and make sure to get support to quit if you currently smoke.

To better boost your energy levels for a healthy, happy period, talk to your functional or integrative healthcare provider about which lab tests or supplements might be right for your needs.

There are many alternative options that can help support the body during premenstrual discomforts, and modern research supports a wide variety of herbal products. Consider Inositol + Vitex Plus for comprehensive menstrual cycle support and reproductive organ health.*

[1] Gudipally PR, Sharma GK…2023 Jul 17. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 32809533.

[2] Mishra, S., Elliott, H., & Marwaha, R. (2023). Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.

[3] Bahrami, A., Avan, A., Sadeghnia, H. R., Esmaeili, H., Tayefi, M., Ghasemi, F., Nejati Salehkhani, F., Arabpour-Dahoue, M., Rastgar-Moghadam, A., Ferns, G. A., Bahrami-Taghanaki, H., & Ghayour-Mobarhan, M. (2018). High dose vitamin D supplementation can improve..in adolescents. Gynecological endocrinology : the official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology, 34(8), 659–663. https://doi.org/10.1080/09513590.2017.1423466

[4] Okuma, K., Kono, K., Otaka, M., Ebara, A., Odachi, A., Tokuno, H., & Masuyama, H. (2022). Characteristics of the Gut Microbiota in Japanese Patients with…International journal of women's health, 14, 1435–1445. https://doi.org/10.2147/IJWH.S377066

[5] Bryant, M., Truesdale, K. P., & Dye, L. (2006). Modest changes in dietary intake across the menstrual cycle: implications for food intake research. The British journal of nutrition, 96(5), 888–894. https://doi.org/10.1017/bjn20061931

[6] Jang, S. H., Kim, D. I., & Choi, M. S. (2014)...systematic review. BMC complementary and alternative medicine, 14, 11. https://doi.org/10.1186/1472-6882-14-11

[7] Whelan, A. M., Jurgens, T. M., & Naylor, H. (2018). HERBS, VITAMINS AND MINERALS IN THE..A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology, 16(3). Retrieved from https://www.jptcp.com/index.php/jptcp/article/view/542