- Private Labeling
Dec 14, 2017 3:50:05 PM
Written By:
Jon Krouner
Tis the season to be jolly, right?
The holidays are supposed to be our chance to take a step back and relax. But, for many of us, the holiday season triggers feelings of anxiety and stress. Every Christmas carol reminds us of our endless to-do list. Our hectic social calendar feels like a full-time job. Suffice it to say, high levels of stress and exhaustion can lead to holiday fatigue.
Of course, it’s important for your patients to recognize the difference between fatigue and feeling tired. Overindulging in eggnog at a holiday party causes us to drag through the next day. Fortunately, our bodies are conditioned to bounce back with sufficient rest and recuperation.
Fatigue, on the other hand, is a prolonged feeling of exhaustion that’s accompanied by a lack of motivation and severely diminished energy levels. These symptoms are worsened in times of heightened stress like the holidays.
If your patients are like many Americans, they’re not getting enough sleep on a nightly basis. As many as 70 million Americans struggle to get adequate sleep, according to the American Sleep Foundation. That all-too-common problem is exacerbated during the holiday season when stress peaks and quality of sleep dips.
Symptoms of Fatigue:
Now, you can pass on these useful tips to help your patients enjoy the most wonderful time of the year:
Eat Healthfully:
Encourage your patients to eat healthfully by incorporating plenty of fruit and vegetables into their diets. Overindulging in holiday treats can contribute to exhaustion and fatigue.
Lay off the Coffee:
Moderate caffeine intake. Coffee or soda are quick fixes that provide a short-lived increase in energy and alertness. But, caffeine can actually aggravate symptoms of stress and fatigue when the effects wear off.
Pack the Protein:
Protein deficiency has been cited as a common cause of fatigue. Carry a protein-rich snack like almonds or Greek yogurt to help fight fatigue on the go.
Drink up:
Water that is. Dehydration causes muscle fatigue and depletes energy. Research indicates that drinking water can actually help maintain everyday health and increase energy levels.
Mito-Fuel with Bioenergy Ribose® is designed to help fight fatigue and boost energy.* It’s a gluten-free, powered formula that helps manage fatigue by supporting mitochondrial and cellular function.* It can also be taken before and after workouts.
Need for Sleep:
Recharge the batteries with 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Sleep is essential for restoring energy levels, fighting illness and keeping spirits up. It’s much easier to tackle a long to do-list following a good night’s sleep.
Get Moving:
Regular exercise helps combat fatigue by boosting energy levels and increasing blood flow. A fast-paced walk is better than a nap for fighting fatigue.
It’s true that holidays can be stressful and exhausting for many of us. But they can also be a magical time filled with family, friends and fun. Here’s wishing you a bright, merry and peaceful holiday season spent with loved ones!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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