
Help Your Patients Fight Holiday Fatigue*

Tis the season to be jolly, right? The holidays are supposed to be our chance to take a step back and relax. But, for many of us, the holiday season triggers feelings of anxiety and stress. Every...


Research and Clinical Application of Vitamins D and K2

By: Dr. Adam Killpartrick Vitamins D3 and K2 are among the most recommended nutrients in clinical practice today. Summarized below are research studies that outline the targeted support these...


Perna canaliculus May Support Gut Health As Well As Joint Health*

The gastro-supportive and potential influence on normal inflammatory response of Perna canaliculus was first reported by Rainsford and Whitehouse (1980).* Recently Coulson ( 2012 ) reported that not...


Monitoring Bone Metabolism with the Bone Resorption Test

DEXA scans are an important part of clinical practice but they don’t give you enough information about your patient’s bone health. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scans tell you about your...


Develop Your Muscles, Build Your Brain

By Dr. Adam Killpartrick When you delve into the research underlying the connection between skeletal muscle and brain function, it becomes glaringly obvious why exercise is (or should be) a core...


Broader Application of CoQ10 and Curcumin

By: Dr. Ron Hoffman, MD CoQ10 and Curcumin have long been applied in clinical practice, and are considered a staple for many, to support healthy cardio function.* One unique aspect to consider about...


The Impact of Betaine HCL

By Ramneek S. Bhogal, DC DABCI As you’re walking past the café’s, delis, and bakeries in town and you realize that your digestion process is activated. You sense the increase in saliva production and...


Methylation Matters

By Dr. Adam Killpartrick What is Methylation? We can think of the addition and subtraction of methyl groups as a switch. When a methyl group is added to a compound, a reaction begins. Perhaps it is...


The Weight Is Over: Supporting Healthy Cortisol Levels*

By Dr. Gary Kracoff, RPh, NMD One of the most prevalent ways that elevated cortisol presents is abdominal adiposity and overweight. This is driven by two areas of physiology that I would say are...

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.