How to Find the Right Supplement Wholesaler for Your Business

Apr 15, 2024

Written By:
DaVinci Healthcare Expert


When your shelves — virtual or otherwise — are ready to be stocked with health and well-being products, the first step is finding supplement wholesalers that are a good fit for your business. While this isn’t an easy task, it's one of the most important decisions you’ll make when it comes to making your business a success. Dietary supplements are part of a fast-growing industry, with wholesale supplements coming from all corners of the world.

However, as you likely know, not all supplements are created equal. Neither are all wholesalers. Learning about the industry will help determine what wholesale company you want to work with, especially if considering private-label supplements

types of wholesale supplements to choose from

First, you must look at your individual business goals within your business model to determine what types of supplements align best with your brand. Clearly understand your target audience, including specific demographics, pain points, and motivational patterns. 

When you focus on your business needs, you can craft a successful inventory and know how to best estimate the quantity and frequency of orders throughout the year.

Get private labeling tips used by the experts! See our guide. No personal info  required to read.

Research supplement Wholesalers

Next, you’ll want to find supplement wholesalers with values and practices that align with your business model and vision for your future. Do your due diligence as you search for a reputable distributor. Companies that are transparent and helpful in initial conversations are more likely to be better partners in all phases of the partnership.

Don’t just rely on the internet, however. While online reviews and the reputation within the industry are important, you may also find an excellent wholesale supplements partnership in person at a trade show or industry event.

how to buy wholesale supplements

When researching supplement companies, look for one with a higher quality and wider range of products. They should be able to demonstrate their experience and expertise in the industry for many formulas.

Plus, make sure they follow the regulatory standards of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). You’ll also want to compare the pricing, minimum order requirements, and payment terms so you can feel comfortable moving forward. DaVinci is proud to meet and exceed this criteria as an experienced and reputable supplement wholesaler.




Evaluate wholesale supplement distributors 

Another thing to investigate as you research wholesale supplement distributors is each company’s supply chain model. Understand their ingredients, how and where they are produced, and whether you can rely on their delivery and shipping procedures. 

Ask about how they handle backorders and out-of-stock situations, too.

As you narrow your focus on different supplement wholesalers, see which companies are interested in building a relationship with you — rather than just trying to get your business. Ensure they have good communication and support practices as you negotiate terms. 

Some companies that offer wholesale supplements also provide additional services, which you can leverage to benefit your bottom line.  

Still, don’t take any company’s word at face value. The supplements wholesale industry is built around quality control processes, so ensure you fully understand any potential partner's third-party testing and certification procedure. This is how you can also ensure product quality and safety for your customers.



When it comes to wholesale supplements tips, this one can save you a lot of time: Some companies offer design and branding support to enhance your sales. See if they offer their partners access to marketing materials and product information and look for opportunities to collaborate on promotions and sales strategies. 

While working with a fellow small business to add new health and wellness supplements to your inventory is sometimes attractive, you also want a supplement wholesaler that can facilitate your future growth and expansion. Start thinking about scaling up before you have to.

A good supplement wholesale partner will help you adapt to your target demographic's changing market trends and demands. Look for examples of how the company has done this to predict how they can help you in the future.

think about legal considerations

The cheapest wholesaler is not typically the best, especially in the dietary supplement industry. You don’t want to be in trouble with legal compliance due to a poor business partnership. Be prepared to navigate exclusivity agreements and ask about your competition early in negotiations. It’s important to feel comfortable with every step of the process, especially with legal concerns.

how To Find The Best Supplement Wholesaler for Your business

When you’re ready to choose a supplement wholesaler to work with as you expand your business's health and wellness offerings, there is much to consider. Take your time as you research different companies to learn about their business models, logistics, and procedures for production. Make sure their strategies can be integrated seamlessly with your own.

Building a solid business partnership is a serious and complicated endeavor, but thorough vetting can help you know you’re making the right decision. Start engaging with potential wholesalers to discuss private-label supplements and other offerings today so you can set your business up for success tomorrow.

Private Label Supplements Guide


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.