
Detoxing for Weight Loss

Like many people, you probably resolved to eat better and lose weight in 2021. And like many people, the chances are good that within a few weeks, you’ll hit a plateau for weight loss. Even though...

General Health Topics

New Year, New You: Tips to Reset Your Body

It goes without saying that 2020 has been a particularly intense year. For some, the holidays felt isolating, as gatherings of family and friends weren’t able to bring the usual cheer. For others,...


Do Post-Holiday Detoxes Work?

If you’re entertaining the idea of trying a post-holiday detox, you’re not alone. The idea of rebooting after some festive over-indulgence is now par for the course, but bear in mind: it’s not the...


What is GI Detox?

Detox is perhaps the most frequently misused word in integrative and holistic medicine. The misuse of the term GI detox is just as common. So, today we’ll learn what a GI detox is by better...

Nutritional Supplements

Is Broccoli Sprout Extract the New Turmeric?

Among the many plant-derived supplements available, turmeric has led the charge for years. However, broccoli sprout extract is starting to turn heads as well. Rigorous clinical trials for both have...


Common Detoxing Mistakes That People Make

By Fred Pescatore, MD The health benefits associated with proper detox are unparalleled. Most people will feel more energized. They may also lose weight and experience a reduction in bloat as their...

General Health Topics

How to Detox for Weight Loss

It’s that time of the year again. People are stepping up their exercise routine, changing their diets, and looking into detoxification programs, often looking to ‘detox for weight loss’. Culturally,...

General Health Topics

What's the Difference between Detox and Cleanse

There’s no denying that detox and cleanse are two of the hottest buzz words in the health community. Entire industries have sprouted up based on the ever-growing popularity of these diets. Detox and...

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