
How to Prioritize Kids’ Nutrition This Summer

Prioritizing kids' nutrition can be challenging at any time of year. With so many quick, easy, and unhealthy options available, busy schedules can make it difficult to prioritize healthy foods....

Little DaVinci

Addressing Spring Health Challenges in Kids

Seasonal irritants aren’t always just minor annoyances. For some people, they can significantly impact enjoying time outside and carrying out daily routines. While seasonal discomforts can cause...

Little DaVinci

How to Support your Kids Through Puberty

Puberty is an uncomfortable and challenging part of life for adolescents. As a parent, you want to make sure you have all of the necessary tools to ease this transition for your kids. In the 1800s,...


Why is My Child Tired? Herbs and Supplements for Energy Support

Excessive tiredness used to be a problem associated with aging. Now, doctors see a shocking number of parents seeking help for their tired children. Why are our children becoming increasingly tired?...

Heart Health

8 Heart-Healthy Activities to do with Your Grandkids

You might have heard people say that our 60s are the new 40s. Thanks to our modern healthcare system, there is some truth to that. We live longer lives, which leads to more time with our...

Immune System

How to Boost Your Kid's Immunity When They Go Back to School

School has always had a reputation for being a germ factory—and for good reason. Returning to school after winter break brings pressing concerns about immunity and staying healthy. Transitioning back...

Kid's Supplements

Nutrients That Support Focus in Kids*

Have you ever experienced a moment when your child just doesn’t want to pay attention? No matter what you try, they keep getting distracted by this or that or the other? Parents know proper nutrition...

functional medicine

How Liquid Melatonin Supports Sleep in Kids*

Sleep issues are quite prevalent in children, which likely doesn’t come as a shock to many parents. But disrupted sleeping patterns can have ripple effects that impact school performance, daytime...

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.