Nutritional Supplements

Maitake Mushroom Benefits to the Immune System*

The immune system has the 24/7 job of defending constant assaults to the body’s well-being. The immune system is in charge of both resisting external threats while preventing internal ones. This is...

Nutritional Supplements

What are the Benefits of Chelated Magnesium?

Magnesium plays a central role in many bodily functions that affect heart, bone, muscle health, and sleep. Magnesium can be obtained by eating certain foods but many people fail to get enough of this...


The Link Between Testosterone and Blood Sugar/Insulin Sensitivity

What do central obesity, high blood pressure, and low testosterone have in common? These are all characteristics of metabolic syndrome. Presenting with these issues puts people on a slippery slope...

General Health Topics

How Women Can Manage a Hormonal Imbalance

Hormones are the body’s chemical messengers. Long understood as the catalyst of acne, fatigue, and sleeplessness during the body’s periods of transition such as puberty and the various stages of...


Benefits of Curcumin for a Healthy Heart*

Curcumin has long been celebrated for its free-radical fighting and healthy inflammatory response properties.* Now, a growing body of research demonstrates that curcumin may also support...

Nutritional Supplements

How to Identify Quality Curcumin Supplements

Not all curcumin is created equal. Knowing how to identify high quality curcumin supplements is key to incorporating them into regimens for your patients, but first, you should understand the basic...

Nutritional Supplements

Best Supplements for Maintaining Memory*

Misplaced keys. A forgotten name. Getting lost near home. These are examples of what may happen to a person experiencing short-term memory loss, a normal part of the aging process. It’s increasingly...

Nutritional Supplements

Supplement Testing Standards That Ensure Quality

“I would never ask patients to put something in their body that I wouldn’t take myself.” One of our customers, a practicing physician, said that to me once, and it struck me what an incredible...

Nutritional Supplements

How to Compare Dietary Supplement Providers

Dietary supplements represent an excellent opportunity for you to grow your practice and help your patients achieve their health goals. But, that can only be accomplished by choosing the right...

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.