
Understanding Celiac Disease vs. Gluten Intolerance & Sensitivity

By Ian D. Bier, ND, PhD, LAc, FABNO With gluten-free diets in the limelight, celiac disease and gluten intolerance, and gluten sensitivity have morphed to mean one and the same. But the differences...


SIBO Diet: What to Eat and What to Avoid

By Ian D. Bier, ND, PhD, LAc, FABNO SIBO or small intestine bacterial overgrowth is an ailment that’s often left undiagnosed. When left unchecked, SIBO can result in significant discomfort. SIBO...

functional medicine

The Gut-Heart Connection: How the Gut Impacts Heart Health

By Dr. Don Zone, MD When we think about heart health, it's not always obvious that the microorganisms in our gut could be a contributing factor, but this is what researchers are finding as they delve...


What Is Gut Permeability and How Do You Prevent It?

By Dr. AnnAlisa Behling, N.D, “Gut permeability,” is one of the most talked about topics in the functional medical world. Within the past decade,it has gained momentum, especially among alternative...

General Health Topics

How L-Glutamine Helps Your GI Tract

Dr. Armen Nikogosian, MD Gut health is slowly but surely taking center stage in the quest to achieve peak health. Science continues to connect a myriad of health conditions to inflammation spurred by...

General Health Topics

Gut Health Benefits of Zinc-Carnosine*

Dr. Adam Killpartrick, DC CNS Anyone with a sensitive stomach or GI issues will want to read up on how zinc-carnosine can help improve their gut health.* Zinc-carnosine is a combination of zinc and...

General Health Topics

Can Probiotics Help With Weight Management?

Dr. Adam Killpartrick, DC CNS Supplementing the diet with probiotics to improve gut health is a trend that gained significant traction in the last decade and has expanded beyond the health food store...

General Health Topics

Microbiome Testing & The Importance of Gut Microbes

Barry Taylor, ND A comprehensive stool analysis has been the standard test for large intestine microbiome health in functional medicine for decades. In most cases, a stool...

General Health Topics

How Diet Affects Your Gut-Brain Health

The gut is the body’s second brain that talks to our real brain, and they both rely on what we eat.The gut is connected to the brain along the gut-brain axis via the vagus nerve. The stomach contains...

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.