Women's Health

Pycnogenol® Benefits for Skin Health

Whether you’re hoping to improve dry skin or signs of aging, recent science has found remarkable improvements with a patented pine bark extract called Pycnogenol®.* Increasingly recommended by...


Taking the healthy aging quiz

The fundamental questions of why and how we age are central to living the healthiest life possible. It makes sense that humans want to understand how we can age with grace, stay healthy, and truly...

Nutritional Supplements

How to Age Gracefully: 6 Supplements Doctors Trust

To most Americans, the word “aging” connotes weakness and general decline. It’s a natural process that’s feared, and people spend shocking amounts of time and money trying to deny and delay it. But...

aging process

What Telomere Testing Is and Why It’s Important

You know about the nucleus, the mitochondria, and the cell membrane—but did you know that every cell in the human body also has a telomere? These segments of DNA are part of the chromosome and hold...

Nutritional Supplements

How to Test Your Biological Age

Understanding the complexities of aging may be vital to increasing quality of life and optimizing the aging process. We’ve all seen people who look and feel fantastic for their age. Conversely, there...


Understanding Mitochondrial Health and Aging

The mitochondrion—or mitochondria, in its plural form—is a specialized organelle found in most eukaryotic cells –cells that contain a nucleus. These organelles are often referred to as a cell’s...


What Is Methylation? Our Most Important Pathway Simplified

Methylation plays a role in many processes within our body, and errors in methylation are linked to several illnesses, including cardiovascular conditions, insulin resistance, brain disorders, and...

Nutritional Supplements

How DIM (Diindolylmethane) May Support Testosterone Levels*

It is well known that vegetables contain essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other antioxidants and phytochemicals that promote good health and strengthen the immune system. But did you know...

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.