
How to SETUP a Healthy Work from Home Lifestyle

It’s safe to say that most of our lives have been turned upside down by recent events. For people who are now working from home, it’s essential to create new routines to stay healthy in mind, body,...

brain health

Nutritional Protocols for Age-Related Cognitive Decline

Awareness and Prevention Despite the human and financial costs of age-related cognitive decline, awareness and prevention are still the best approaches. The brain changes that happen in failing...

joint health

The Benefits of Omega 3 Liquid as We Age

As we get older, our bodies need all of the help they can get. Our memory, joints, heart, and metabolism all can show signs of wear and tear as the years pass by. And even though many people are...


How Citicoline and Blueberries May Improve Brain Health*

Optimal brain function translates into better memory recall, attention span, improved communication skills, and aids in the performance of complex tasks. Brain health is important at any age, and...


Astragaloside IV (AS-IV) and Telomere Support

If you could analyze the DNA on the tip of your chromosomes with a microscope, you would find a single sequence – TTAGGG – that repeats hundreds, even thousands of times. This sequence is known as a...


Hyperstimulation Anxiety: What is it and How to Control It

The body’s stress response has evolved to outwit predators and avoid starvation, not to fight with rush hour traffic and overbearing bosses. Modern living swells with sources of stress unrelated to...


Mind Diet: How DMG Supports Brain Health

By Roger Kendall, PhD Dimethylglycine (DMG) has been slowly making its way into clinical practices and is now recognized for its impressive collection of uses and health benefits. Originally studied...

Nutritional Supplements

The Connection Between Anxiety and Seasonal Allergies

By Dr. John Thomas Whether you are in the dry South, the humid East, or the cool plains of the West, signs of spring can be a bittersweet welcome if you, along with the other 40-60 million Americans,...

Nutritional Supplements

Strategies for Neurocognitive Health

By Dr. John Thomas Neurocognitive health includes memory retention, mood stabilization, and ability to focus. Someone with poor neurocognitive health may experience an inability to remember things,...

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.