brain health

Fish Allergies and Omega-3 Supplements

Awareness of the many benefits of fish oil is growing, particularly around their cognitive benefits and ability to support the body’s inflammatory response. However, if you suffer from a fish...


Healthy Aging Tips for Men

Why are men dying younger than women, and what can they do to enjoy longer, healthier lives? The US Department of Health and Human Services shows the life expectancy for males born in 2021 is 73.2...

Men's Health

Best Men’s Vitamins for Heart Health

For men, heart disease is the number one killer in the United States. Even with a family history of heart problems, you have power over your present and future cardiovascular health. Learning to...

brain health

Benefits of Adding Foods with Fatty Acids to Your Diet

Dietary fats are perhaps the most misunderstood macronutrient among the three (protein, carbohydrates, and fat). We tend to categorize fats as “bad”—but in reality, fatty acids are fundamental to...

Essential Fatty Acids

Omega-3s for Kids, is it Safe?

Our modern diet sets the stage for a fatty acid imbalance, and the same is true for kids. Today, most Americans—regardless of age—are getting too many omega-6 and too few omega-3 fats. While some...

Essential Fatty Acids

Omega-3 vs. Fish Oil: Differences and What to Look For

You’ve likely heard the buzz around the importance of omega-3 fats, but with so many choices out there, it can be tough to choose the right supplement for you. No omega-3 oil is totally better than...

Nutritional Supplements

Healthy Aging for Older Adults

Aging with grace and health is a top priority for most people. Maybe you want to address the seemingly unavoidable aches and pains that come with age or other health problems. Either way, you want to...


How to Prioritize Kids’ Nutrition This Summer

Prioritizing kids' nutrition can be challenging at any time of year. With so many quick, easy, and unhealthy options available, busy schedules can make it difficult to prioritize healthy foods....

Adrenal and Stress Support

How Gardening Helps Your Mental Health

Being in nature doesn’t just feel good—research shows that spending time in nature provides massive mental health benefits. We also know that exposure to an array of bacteria in the earth can support...

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.